Screen Argyll: Raised Voices

Guest Presenter

Feb 2019 - May 2019

Jen Skinner of Screen Argyll invited me to introduce and lead audience discussions around this programme of archive films celebrating women’s achievements and pioneering spirit.  Ruth Washbrook curated Raised Voices for the first Sea Change Development Lab on the Scottish island of Tiree in 2018. 

Ruth and I travelled across Argyll and Bute to encourage conversations and provide some of the valuable context to the films spanning sixty years and ranging from suffragette surgeons and intrepid Highland postwomen to arctic dog sled journeys and keep fit exercises for the “correct posture”. Ruth put a great selection of films together from the National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive, including films made by renowned Scottish filmmakers, Margaret Tait and Jenny Gilbertson. 

Raised Voices was really well received by those that came along to screenings in Oban, Campbeltown, Rothesay, and Tiree.

IMAGES: Screen Argyll / National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive

Project website: